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BuffyVerse Stories Empty BuffyVerse Stories

Sat Jan 29, 2022 2:15 pm
Note: This is a suggestion to start out with when it came to Willow, set during somewhere in Season Five

As Willow's relationship with Tara is growing, so is her insecuries, as a party at the Bronze one night was going on, Willow decides to pull out an old pair of silk stripped black pants that's making a comeback into fashion. The dilemma though, is that she got them back when she was fifteen, now twenty years old, Willow spent part of her afternoon trying to squeeze herself back into her pants. She got them about her ankles, now she's into the hard part: buttoning them.
As Willow stood in the center of her and Tara's dorm, she stands with her face turning red, grunting through her teeth, as she frustratingly tries to get her pants to button. Why did my body grow and these damn pair of pants hadn't, she thought. She popped up and down, bend up and down, tilt her body back and forth and even fell on her back with slight pain as she kept on going, lifting her head she looks at her pants button, "So close, so close" she whispers to herself, "Almost there Wil, don't give up!" she says with her face really turning read. She stops taking a breather, then she frustratingly whimpers, she's trying to get these on to impress Tara and she can't get her butt in them. Then by chance Buffy shows up to ask Willow something, right as she sees Willow on the floor feeling sorry for herself.
"Everything okay, Wil?" Buffy asks, immediately seeing what's going on there.
Willow now just sniffing, wipes the tears off her face and starts to get up, "I'm trying to get my old pair of pants on for tonight, and I can't get them fit my bubble butt".
"No, no, Wil, you don't have a bubble butt, they're just old, here let me help you" Buffy says as she stands behind Willow, "Just relax and breathe..." Willow does so, "Now inhale..." Willow does as she sucks in her stomach, as Buffy uses her slayer strength get Willow's pants to button. "Ta-da" Buffy says, "Now you're rocking in these".
With a small sniff, more of a small joy cry, "Thanks Buff" Willow says, as she gives her pants a quick zip.
Later at the Bronze, Willow and Tara arrive at the Bronze for the big party, while everyone was having a good time, dancing and what not, Willow and Tara were having some time to themselves, as Willow starts to feel how tight her pants are, she's having to wear her black leather jacket to cover her small belly sticking out. Tara made some compliments of how great Willow looks in them, which was good enough for Willow to not care how tight they were around her waist. Shortly, Willow went to get her and Tara some drinks, while getting her wallet out of her pants pocket, it fell onto the floor, landing by left black heel boot. Willow thinking nothing of it, bends down to grab it right as...RIP!...her pants became looser in the back for her, Willow lifts her head a small gasp, she quickly stands back up, turns her head to see the damage, seeing how badly the back of her pants look. She stood there for a moment, covering the back of her pants, feeling blushful as it's karma for getting them on.
She made it back to Tara, as Willow awkwardly walks towards her, while covering the back of her pants; Tara wonders why Willow is acting strange, until Willow becomes open to her, "Baby, I had a little accident with my pants, and let's say I didn't bring any spare pair of pants" she says, as she quickly turns and show Tara her exposed Hello Kitty underwear, with Tara making a small shriek which didn't help Willow's self-esteem, but got a grip of herself and came to Willow's aid.
Tara clearing her throat while trying to not to laugh, stands behind Willow and places her hands around her, as the two of them awkwardly make their way out of the Bronze. Knowing that it was a night neither of them were going to forget.

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BuffyVerse Stories Empty Re: BuffyVerse Stories

Wed Apr 13, 2022 3:25 pm
Note: Like with another forum I came back to, when it comes to this forum, I thought of one finally for Buffy...set during the later seasons, Season 5ish...

Following her fight with Glory who has zapped her with some spell, the next day when Buffy got up from bed, getting herself dressed before meeting up with her gang, Buffy dresses herself in her light blue shelve shirt and grabbed her light gray pants; while dressing herself she has thought go on in her head: What was Glory up to last night? Why she zapped you and why didn't it hurt you? Only the one question that was really was digging into Buffy's head was, are these pants too tight? Buffy's figure still looks the same and she hasn't gone on a eating bender or anything; she hasn't own these pair of pants in over a year, maybe they shrunk or something. As Buffy took a quick look at herself in the mirror, she sees a small muffin top around the waist, sticking out a little, nothing too alarming though. With a soft gentle pat on her belly, and a soft inhale, Buffy grabs her black boots and black leather jacket and met up with her friends.
When meeting up with her friends, who appeared happy to see Buffy as they usually do, the day went quite well, no school work and no monsters or vampires for them to deal with, just a nice simple day to hang out. The thought of Buffy's pants hadn't even bothered her all afternoon.
When Buffy stepped away for a moment to go grab a drink from the vender, when grabbing her money out, her wallet falls out of her pocket landing on the ground, Buffy gets down on her knees and leans over to grab it, right as...RIPPPP! The back of her pants violently splits open, exposing her white panties for all of Sunnydale to see! Buffy lifts her head up, face in total shock without a gasp or a yelp coming out of her mouth, her face was just pale looking as she was thinking, "OH MY GOD, NO!". She feels the back of her pants, feeling how widely exposed her panties, feeling how exposed they were, that's when when her jaw drops with a small shock of gasp coming out of her mouth.
After grabbing her wallet, Buffy quickly stands back up and covers herself, just standing there in public, face turning bright red as she is forcing out a smile that she's even too embarrassed too do. "Why me?" she whimpers out of embarrassment.
Off from the distance, Glory, who no one notices, sat on a binge watching Buffy's humiliation as she giggles as her zapped worked.
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BuffyVerse Stories Empty Re: BuffyVerse Stories

Mon Mar 27, 2023 3:12 pm
Note: I thought of a story for Buffy...set during season six...

After hiring a house cleaner to help out with the place as she cleans and cooks, she actually cooks at lot as Buffy seems to take the joy of someone else cooking around the house...perhaps a little too much. One morning, after waking up feeling more tired than yesterday and heavy, Buffy dresses herself in her light violet shirt as she stumbles into buttoning her dark gray stripped pants; standing in front of her mirror, grunting through her teeth, twitching her upper hips around, hops slightly on her bare tippy toes as pulls her fastenings together. All of the cooking has put a softness to the Slayer's slim figure as she has got squishy in the middle; "Come on" she whines out, "These fit fine on Monday". With her face almost turning red as Willow's hair, she uses her slayer strength with force to finally button her pants and give them a quick zip. With a small sigh of relief she did it, only to show disbelief as she sees the small muffin top coming out the top of her pants.
Buffy walks down the stairs with her black boot heels clicking onto the steps, she sniffs the house cleaner's cooking and hears her humming in the kitchen, Buffy is tempted, even the thought made her adjust her waistline, she walks down and past the kitchen as she notices a stake of pancakes on the table, fresh off the pan and they smell so...so good. The house cleaner, Martha comes in and sees Buffy staring at the pancakes, "Just pulled them off, shame everyone else left before getting to have some" she says with a friendly smile on her face. Kind of pitting Buffy to have some breakfast. While she shouldn't, she then decided, wouldn't hurt to have some for breakfast. "Well what's the harm of eating a couple" Buffy says biting the tip of her bottom lip.
A stack of pancakes later, Buffy leans back against her chair stuffed and heavy, she tries to pull herself up from sliding off, but she was so bloated that she couldn't get up. She felt she was going to bust out of her pants as they were snugging up on her. Martha walks across her, with a smile on her face. "My, I see a happy camper" she says as she pokes at Buffy's stuffed belly.
"I know, had a little much than I should" Buffy says with her hands patting her taunted belly. After a second of moans, Buffy looks down and notice how her pooch is starting to stick out further as Buffy feels like walking it off, "I'm gonna go meet up with Willow and Dawn, thanks for a great breakfast..." Buffy says standing up, groaning as she gets on her feet.
"Oh let me help you..." Martha offers.
"I'm okay, thanks though" Buffy says as she stumbles out the door, grabbing her black leather jacket, leaving Martha giggling.
Walking down the block of her subdivision, Buffy was feeling a little better yet still felt bloated, she stops to take a moment, as her jacket is zipped up her pooch still sticks out through; Buffy says to herself, "How did I let myself get out of shape?". She gets down on her knees as if she going to pass out, she drops down fast right as...RIPPPP! A loud violent fabric tear was heard, as Buffy stood in the empty space with a horrible feeling. "Please not let that be what I think that was" Buffy whimpers to herself. Feeling the back of her pants, she feels her white panties with pink defiles exposed into the open for Sunnydale to see! With a gasp coming out of Buffy's still face, "Oh God" she whimpers as she stands back up and covers the back of her pants. She blushes with a small giggle coming out and then taking a deep breath...POP! The button of her pants pop open as it flies to a STOP sign bouncing to a car window denting it. Leaving Buffy in shock, not as much as seeing her gut sticking out, seeing how much she has packed into her.
"Please let some evil presence have something to do with this" Buffy whines to herself. Off from the distance, Martha smiles while humming as she can feel Buffy's despair from her wardrobe malfunction. As her sinister plan to fatten the Slayer is working.
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BuffyVerse Stories Empty Re: BuffyVerse Stories

Sun Jun 04, 2023 11:52 pm
Set during Season two:

“How is it, that in a town with actual vampires, Cordelia Chase still manages to suck more than anyone else?” Willow asked, before leaning back against her locker with a dramatic sigh. At the next locker over, Buffy raised her eyebrows.
“What’s the queen of mean up to now?” Buffy asked.
“She said I look like I bought my outfit at a thrift store.” Willow replied, gesturing to her dark blue trousers and striped red and white jumper.
“As if she’d know what a thrift store is like.” Buffy replied, “Don’t let her get to you. When we go past her, just walk on with your head held high.”
“Yeah, sure.” Willow scoffed.
“Come on,” Buffy finished with her locker, swung her backpack onto one shoulder and smoothed down her blue jeans and white lace top, “Let’s get to class.”
The two girls left the lockers behind and crossed the hallway to their geography class. Cordelia was hanging around outside, the mean brunette girl dressed in dark red leather trousers and a short-sleeved white jumper, she was with a group of her fellow cheerleaders, all of whom turned towards Willow and Buffy.
“Head high.” Buffy whispered in Willow’s ear. The redhead gave a nervous smile, then followed her friend’s advice literally, raising her eyes to the ceiling as she walked into the classroom. Unfortunately for her this prevented her from seeing a discarded bag that had been left on the floor, causing her feet to tangle up in the strap and send her crashing to the floor. Cordelia and her friends, as well as the students who were already in their seats in the room, let out a burst of laughter at the nerdy girl’s tumble.
“Smooth move.” Cordelia sneered from the doorway.
Willow felt her face grow hot as she awkwardly clambered to her feet, until halfway up there was a loud ripping noise.
“Oh, no.” Willow gasped, “Tell me that wasn’t what it sounded like.”
“That depends,” Harmony, Cordelia’s best friend, smirked, “Did it sound like you just split your pants?”
“Oh, Willow…” Buffy sighed, looking at the large rip in her friend’s trousers, which exposed a pair of white cotton knickers decorated with Pikachu and colourful flowers, “Did you have to wear the Pokemon underwear?”
“No…” Willow wailed, straightening up and grabbing at her rear, her face blushed brighter red than her hair, “Oh, this is just…” words failed her and she let out a squeak of embarrassment before rushing to her chair and sitting down, then sinking her head down on the desk. Buffy took her seat next to her and rested a hand on her shoulder.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Buffy said, “No one will remember this in a couple of days.”
“That seems unlikely.” Willow’s voice came out muffled from behind her crossed arms on the desk.
“It happens to everyone.” Buffy insisted.
“It’s never happened to you.”
“Well, no…” Buffy admitted, “But I suppose that’s because of slayer physique.”
“Whereas I just have nerd physique.” Willow added ruefully.
Buffy was about to continue trying to comfort her friend, but at that moment the teacher came in and the chatter in the classroom died down.
As the lesson progressed, Willow managed to lift herself out of her embarrassed mood a bit, and start to pay attention. She had an image and a grade average to maintain, after all, and she took comfort in things she was good at, like academic achievement.
She was able to lose herself in the work for a while, until the lesson ended and she began to leave her seat, only to have Cordelia and Harmony come up behind her.
“The advantage of ripped pants,” Cordelia mused, “they’re handy if you want people to peek at you.”
“Oh, I get it, like Pikachu!” Harmony laughed, “That’s funny!”
“I know.” Cordelia shrugged, the two of them walking towards the door.
“Yeah?” Buffy called after them, “well… it’s easy to laugh at others!”
“Yeah, it is.” Cordelia replied over her shoulder.
“Come on, Buff.” Willow said dejectedly, “Maybe I can find some pants in the nurses office.”
“Okay,” Buffy said, “Let me just grab my things.” She bent to her bag on the floor, and for the second time that morning there was a ripping noise. As the sound of tearing denim rang out the rest of the class paused, looking in Buffy’s direction. Cordelia and Harmony stopped in the doorway and turned back to the Slayer, whose face was turning red as her eyes widened and her mouth turned to an O of embarrassment.
“Er… nice thong, Buff.” Willow said, looking at the split back seam of Buffy’s jeans and the bright red thong underwear it revealed.
“Oh, no.” Buffy stood, holding her bag tightly against her rear, “So much for that physique.”
Buffy and Willow blushed to equal degrees as they both shuffled out of the room, trying to hide their backsides from the amused class. Out in the corridor, they flattened themselves against the wall and hoped to go unnoticed by the crowds of teenagers around them.
“Does this strike you as maybe more than coincidence?” Buffy asked Willow in a low voice.
“Do you think there’s something supernatural going on?” Willow asked in a similar tone, “Like, a demon of pants-splitting?”
“Or an embarrassment devil, or something.” Buffy shrugged, “I don’t know, it just seems odd that it happened to both of us, so close together.”
“We could do a bit of research,” Willow said, “I’d really like to know that a demon did this to me, rather than turning out I just have a big butt.”
“If you do, I do too.” Buffy reminded her, “Come on, to the library.”
She took a couple of steps down the corridor, before hearing gasps and laughter from behind her. Buffy grabbed at her backside with both hands and stepped back against the wall.
“Right, big split in my pants, bare butt out.” Buffy reminded herself.

The two girls made their way to the library awkwardly, keeping their backs to the walls as much as they could, and hurrying when they could not to try and not be seen as much as possible. It took them over ten minutes to reach the library, and was not worth it when they did.
“Closed for fumigating?” Buffy read the sign posted on the locked door, “How can it be closed?”
“Maybe we should have stopped by the nurses office to check lost property for pants first.” Willow said, “Come on, we’ll…” she turned, and bumped straight into Cordelia, who had been coming up behind her. The attractive brunette bully fell to the floor, twisting to land face-first, which meant the other girls could see Cordelia’s leather pants had split, and underneath she had light purple underwear, printed on which was Mrs Potts, the cartoon teapot from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.
“Cordelia?!” Willow gasped.
“Willow!” Cordelia exclaimed, looking back up at her.
“Your pants…” Willow smiled.
“Yes, I split my pants.” Cordelia said frustratedly, getting back to her feet, “It seems to be going around today.”
“More than a coincidence, would you say?” Buffy raised her eyebrows.
“More than I would have thought possible.” Cordelia agreed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to call my mom to bring me a new pair.” She pulled her cellphone from her bag and strode off down the corridor.
“Nice underwear!” Willow called after her.

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BuffyVerse Stories Empty Re: BuffyVerse Stories

Mon Jun 05, 2023 2:32 am
Enjoyed your story-telling than my stories...
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BuffyVerse Stories Empty Re: BuffyVerse Stories

Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:40 am
Note: Set during one of the later seasons...

As Sunnydale starts to go through a desert craze with half of the residents not controlling their sweet tooths, Buffy and Willow find themselves in that spot. At Buffy's home, the Slayer and her best friend sat at the table, finishing a two layer chocolate cake that was too filling for them. Buffy leans against her chair, sighing out a small moan, her small food belly sticking through her pink sweater shirt, "Oh man, I knew that cake was going to be much" the Slayer says as she unbuttons her light gray pants, sighing out relief. "The vampires are going to make fun of my food baby" Buffy gently pats her pooch.
At the other side of the table, Willow finds herself more painfully bloated as she ate more than Buffy, with her food belly too sticking through her light blue sweater, leanings against her chair reading for a nap, "I know, I gain myself a tummy, as my pants are feeling like exploding" Willow unbuttons her black pants as she sighs to complete relief, her hands on her bloated belly.
"I don't think we're the only ones Wil" Buffy says, "I feel there's a demon trying to fatten Sunnydale up".
"Perhaps, I mean..." Willow leans her head up, her eyes looks down at her hard rock pooch, "...look at us, no one should ever have to eat that much in one serving".
"Agreed, let's head to the magic shop to see if there's anything" Buffy says, "But first...we know what we're going to have to do...even if you're not going to like it". Staring at Willow, she knew what Buffy meant.
"I know" Willow says, with Buffy telling to her, "Be strong, be strong..." as Buffy tries to inhale her bloated belly, buttoning up her pants, making uncomfortable facial expressions as her pants are more tighter than they were earlier, as Willow does the same thing while her facial expression was the same at Buffy's she groans since she's more bloated than Buffy. Once the two got onto their feet, they groaned as if they were stabbed, stumbling to stay on their feet. "Why did they have to make pants uncomfortable for anyone who has ate too much" Buffy whines, holding onto her belly that's sticking out the top of her pants.
Once arriving to the Magic Shop, Buffy and Willow wearing their black leather jackets to help hide their bellies, find themselves some sweats to sit down on, as the two planted themselves onto the comfy leathery couch, sighing as they leaning against the back. Coming from downstairs, Anya finds the two on the couch, as pulls her white red stripped pants together, as she has a small muffin sticking out. "So you have this weight spell going on too?" Anya asks, as the two can see her muffin sticking out the top of her pants, "Yeah, I didn't get these on like I did with my yesterday's pants" Anya pulls the waistline up.
"Weight spell?" Buffy asks.
"Yeah, it's a spell to make certain people gain weight by casting a craving onto anyone who has a sweet tooth" Anya explains. "Which I can see someone has fallen into the spell..." she pokes at Buffy's stuffed belly as Buffy groans slightly. "Sorry".
"It's fine" Buffy says as she gets up, with Willow doing so too. "So how do we stop the spell?".
"The book is right here" Anya walks over the stand where she grabs a heavy book, as she walks over towards the Slayer and Willow, the book slips out of her hands, landing on the floor next to their black boots.
At the same time, they got down onto the floor...RIPPPP! With a gasp coming out of Buffy and Willow, with Buffy's jaw in the shape of an 'O' with Willow's face gone into daze, Anya looks up if she didn't understand what just happened.
"Why do I have a feeling I'm feeling breeze where I shouldn't be feeling?" Buffy says through her teeth.
"I think I'm feeling it too" Willow says with a gulp.
"Oh did your pants open up to in the back" Anya says after she sees her white panties with duckies on them. As Buffy looks down through her legs as her eyes lit as she sees her pink panties with white snowflakes as Willow looks down through her legs and finds her red panties with Pikachu on them.
As they look at each other, "We need to find what we're dealing with" Buffy says graining with her face red, "So we don't starting ripping our pants open".
"I know, I can't afford dry cleaning" Willow says with her face more red than her hair.
"At least you guys looks squishy in the back, as mine is still flatten" Anya says, as the Slayer and Willow glares at her, even if she doesn't realize what she meant, as they did.
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