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MCU Stories - Page 2 Empty Re: MCU Stories

Mon Aug 29, 2022 8:20 pm
I was thinking about something MJ might secretly like, but would be totally humiliated to have revealed about her, the Ponies seemed to fit.

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MCU Stories - Page 2 Empty Re: MCU Stories

Sun Sep 04, 2022 11:20 pm
Note: I thought of a quick short story with Katy (Awkafina) from Shang-Chi...set sometime after Endgame...(Spoiler: A Disney reference)

One month after the Avengers had reversed the Blip as her job as a valet has starts to require more of her time, Katy has been snacking on mostly potato chips starts her morning off struggling to get her pants to button. Those potato chips has likely add at least one or two pounds to her weight, as she has sees it when it comes to her pants. Already dressed in her white button blouse shirt, wearing her red socks with her left big toe sticking out through a hole, Katy shrugs and grunts as she's trying to get the zipper of her black dress pants to zip up. She tilts her body up as jiggles with the zipper - where the only thing is doing is giving Katy a small camel toe. "Oh come on!" she quietly grunts out, as her teeth grind done together, her face looking to break a sweat, she grabs hold of her fastening and tilt her body down as her face wants to turn red as she's trying to get that damn zipper to go up. As it leads to her jumping onto her bed, crawled into a fettle position as she can feel that zipper pulling something in the middle of her pants - something she hopes won't show. Frustrated, Katy starts yelling out as she kicks her legs high up into the air.
She stops with a huff, "How does Black Widow make it so easy for women to squeeze into tight clothes?" Katy says letting out frustration, with a small huff she turns to notice her tweezers on her left side bed. Laying absolutely still, Katy holds her fastenings as she places her tweezers on the handle of her zipper, as gives herself a quick yank and a fast zipping she sighs out a yelp and quickly buttons her pants. She sighs in relief, lifting her head up to look at herself, she turns to disbelief, "Oh man, look at my toe" not to refer the toe sticking out of her sock. She at least hopes no one would honestly notice it at work, which dawns on her to finish getting ready.
Five minutes late to work, at least it was just five minutes, today's a slow day, due to Tony Stark's sacrifice and his memorial, the people that she and her best friend Shaun would normally park their cars for are attending that. Standing waiting for someone to show up, Katy adjusts the center of her pants, her facial expressions show how her toe is riding up down there. She finishes as she slightly adjusts her vest right as Shaun turns as he notices that she's been acting weird all morning. "Everything okay, Katy?" he asks, raising a eyebrow and smirk.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine, just my pants are getting a little snug on me, guess I need to lay off the potato chips" Katy gives a nervous chuckle as she pats her belly. She did felt her belly get a little soft, which gives her some concern.
That concern went away when a vehicle pulls up to the front of the lobby, the owner gets out of her car while she's on the phone without looking at Katy and Shaun she tosses the keys up into the air, as it's close to Katy who tries to reach for it as she felt the keys landing on the tip of her fingers, only for it to fall and land onto the ground. "Shit" Katy hisses out, not really a big deal, she just wished she had caught since she likes to brag of her fast reflexes, Shaun smirks as he knows that it kills her that she missed the landing with the keys. "Very funny, at least I like to have fun while I'm working" Katy says facing him, she turns to face towards the keys next to her black boots, "Okay" she says quietly as she gives a small sigh, Katy squats down onto her knees like a pose, her upper body leaning over, as the back of her pants faces Shaun - RIPPPP! Katy lifts her head up with a loud mellow gasp, face gone into shock, eyes lit with her mouth letting a small jaw drop down, her hands feeling the back of her pants - feeling her white panties with Sisu in the center exposed, her face more lit up, "Oh my God!" she cries out as she stands up quickly and covers the back of her pants with a whimper coming out.
Shaun tries not to laugh, but he couldn't help his giggles coming out as Katy stands there turning her head as she's thinking on what to do. She quickly walks towards Shaun while covering the back of her pants, has him wrap himself around her waist, "Get me to a bus so I can go home and change into a different pair of pants" Katy says in desperation.
"I can't just leave...".
"Oh yes you can, I got a Disney dragon showing off where I don't want it to, so let's go" Katy says as she drags him with her to the bus station. Of all days to wear her panties with her favorite Disney character.
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MCU Stories - Page 2 Empty Re: MCU Stories

Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:56 am
Note: I thought of a four part story with some of the characters from She-Hulk...starting with Jennifer Walters/She Hulk...set sometime after her first show...

As the sound of her alarm clock goes off, Jen moans as her arm swings on the button for it to go off, she flops onto her back as she moans feeling bloated, "My tummy" she moans while in her sleep. Her hands moving underneath the covers to rub her bloated belly, she feels something...something completely not right. Her eyes wake up completely, feeling something off, she rushes out of her bed and rush towards her mirror as she gasp as if she saw a corpse, only worse much worse...she stares her surprisingly obvious pot belly. "Oh my god" Jen shrieks as lifts her shirt up and her slim stomach pops out as a huge bowl of melted ice cream, "Look at me" Jen whines out, "What happened to me?" she carefully pokes at her belly, squishy, "How did this happen?" she whines out a question as she lifts her shirt down. Then it dawn on her, she went on all binge eating while as She-Hulk and it didn't effect her as she continued on eating, not realizing that it would have toll on her own body. She then thought, "Perhaps if I turn into She-Hulk..." transforming into She-Hulk, she finds factor in how she manages to have a complete perfect figure, for five seconds then her muscles pops out as a larger bowl of melted ice cream, "Are you kidding me?!" she cries as she stares as larger green pot belly, more squishy and fat.
The front door opens and with Jen whiling in her horrific weight gain, she didn't realize that Nikki was meeting up with her this morning, "So I know we had a run night last night, but it's time...OHMYGOD!" Nikki cries out as Jen notices her arriving into her room with her best friend staring at her huge problem, "Whoa, Jen what the hell happened to you?".
"I guess binge eating is an issue for She-Hulk..." she transforms into herself, "...and me. When I went overboard last night, I didn't realize that sleeping it off while reverting to myself would have an effect on me" Jen lifts her pot up, she starts whimpering and then starts to sob.
"Hey, hey, hey" Nikki walks up towards her, "It's okay, Jen look at me, we'll work this out, plus I think you look hot with a belly..." Nikki pats Jen's squishy fat, surprised with how fat Jen has gotten. With Jen turning to face Nikki, "Please let go of my belly".
Twenty minutes later, the two show up at GLK&H with the help of a gift from Luke Jacobson who made her a waist brace if there was an off chance, Jen managed to wear it underneath her gray dress suit, posing the figure she had. Of course Jen felt very uncomfortable with having it around her waist, but she would rather have difficulty breathing than letting the media going with "Fat-Hulk" or "She-Fat". Arriving in her office, coming up to her desk, she sits in her chair grunting as she felt her brace tightening around her waist, her expression shows the uncomfortably of her wearing her brace. "Man, why did he have to make it so tight?" Jen asks as she leans back against her chair, with her hands on her fake abs.
"It won't last long, just eat like a hundred dozen of salads and avoid eating junk food for the whole day, and you'll be back to rocking both as Jen Walters and as She-Hulk" Nikki says sitting off to the side.
"I hope so" Jen says as gets into her case files, she felt her cases could help her ease her mind off of her waist brace.
Half hour later, Jen mainly snacking on healthy foods like carrot sticks (five bags at least) and even had a salad, she managed to get herself on the right track, as she attends a meeting with the partners and other associates at the firm. Sitting next to Pug, and Mallory Book she manages to move the who issue past her and get on with her day. The meeting went on and on, discussing matters for the firm and details that'll help with the firm, as Jen sat there she starts to feel hungry, wishing there's something she could snack on. Her eyes come across a small bowl with M&Ms in them, she felt she shouldn't, but they were tiny M&Ms, what's the harm in them...she takes a small hand full and shoves them in her mouth. The taste of the M&M chocolate tastes so good in her mouth, feeling it's worth it. Then Jen felt something, her stomach making small howling noises, as she felt her large green pot belly wanting to pop out of her waist brace! "Oh God, no!" she whispers as she holds herself together, with Mallory noticing her.
"Everything okay, Walters?" she whispers.
"Hmmm-mmmm" Jen hums and nods. She knew she needs to get out of here before her belly burst out in front of everyone in here. She quietly gets up and quickly makes her way out of the room. Almost there..."Ms. Walters..." Mr. Holliway calls her out, "Off in a hurry?".
Damn it, she turns with a forced smile, "I'm so sorry for leaving in the middle of a meeting, but I have an emergency to take care of" she turns as she bumps into an assistant who falls onto the floor, "I"m so sorry" Jen says and she leans down, bending her knees slightly with the butt sticking towards everyone, as leans down closer...RIPPPP! The back of her dress pants made the loudest tearing noise ever imagine, violently splitting open in front of her partners and associates, Jen lifting her head up with a mortifying gasp, she felt the back of her pants tore open, completely exposing her green boxers with large pink hearts. "Oh my gosh" she quietly whimpers, as she can feel and hear some of them muttering quietly, as Pug and Mallory were the only ones who kept quietly yet noticed Jen's boxers. She stands back up to face everyone, covering the back of her pants with a forced smile, "Like I said, I have an emergency to handle" she chuckles with a blush, and then she sighs, as right there and then...POP!
The waist brace pops off of Jen's waist, busting off her blouse shirt buttons and dress pants buttons, with the buttons falling onto the floor as the waist brace smacks out through the window and causes a traffic collision.
Stunned. everyone looked at each other and turn to complete shock as they stare at Jen's She-Hulk form, as her huge green pot belly is exposed for the whole room to see! With everyone not sure what to say. With Jen, embarrassed already as she is, only says, "Oops" she forces a blushing sigh and smile, as she feels this day can't get any worse for her.

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MCU Stories - Page 2 Empty Re: MCU Stories

Mon Nov 14, 2022 3:17 pm
Note: Here's the second part of the SHE-HULK arc with her paralegal Nikki Ramos...set sometime after the show...

After suffering a humiliating day, Jen's is glad to have lost her pot belly, just standing in her office staring at herself in the mirror, her hands rubbing her perfect ab muscles and perfect figure once more, "Never going to binge out like that again" Jen says as she walks back to her desk. As she sat down that's when Nikki arrives, coming in hot if she's excited, "Rocking the figure again, I see!" she says as she sees her friend's belly gone.
"I know" Jen says as she gently pats her She-Hulk abs like a drum. "Perfect figure at all over again, what you have there?".
Nikki turns to her left as Jen notices a pair of black leather (real leather pants) that Nikki is holding on her left, she turns to Jen with a smirk, "Let's just say Brooks' new assistant is a cutie, and a cutie I want to notice me, so I thought I pull out the old bad girls out". She places the pants in front of her legs, with Jen smirking a little, finding it funny to see Nikki going all out for a handsome looking assistant, and also she can tell how snug their going to look on Nikki.
"Need any help?" Jen offers.
"I think I can get these on my own, I should still fit into these just find" Nikki confidently says with a smile.
Five minutes later, still in Jen's office, behind a heavily dark curtain, Nikki grunts as she pulls her pants up, not realizing how snug they were to pull up, "Oh come on, come on, come on!" she sighs out, seeing how she got them up her legs, only not wanting to cooperate with her hips, she turns to see her latina booty sticking out with her small white undies with a huge smiling face showing. She sighs in discomfort, "Of all days to where these panties too" Nikki whines as she hops up and down, using all her strength to get these leather pants up her hips. Laying on the chair, back laid flat as she starts kicking her legs high up with a warrior cry coming out of her. She huffs out a frustrating grunt, and sighs as she stops. Admitting defeat as she can't get these pants on her. She hears a gentle knock, "Everything okay in there?" Jen asks.
Nikki doesn't want Jen to see her like this, but at this point, she doesn't want to feel defeated by a pair of leather pants. "I can use some assistance yes" she whimpers out with a force smile as Jen comes in.
"Okay" Jen quietly says as Nikki stands behind her, grabbing hold of the pants that are under her hips. "Count of three, okay..." she says as Nikki nods, "Three!" Jen says abruptly, pulling the pants up Nikki's hips with Nikki gasping out with the unexpected feel of tight leather getting pulled up. After a moment, Nikki pants out a sigh, and then Jen continues, "Now suck it in!" Jen as Nikki embracingly sucks in her stomach as Jen uses her strength to button her pants. Successfully doing so. Nikki sighs in her comfort, as she adjust her waistline, feeling how snug they are around her waist, she groans as Nikki notices her small pooch sticking out of her pants.
"Well I don't think it looks too noticeable" Jen says as she gently pokes at Nikki's tiny yet soft pooch. Which doesn't satisfices Nikki.
Eventually, Nikki walks down the hallways, in her black leather pants, with her black turtleneck and buttoned pink blazer help covering her pooch, with her black high heel open-toe heels to help with the look. While walking down, she's getting attention, though not the kind she wants, especially walking down the walk she doesn't want to walk with. How tight her leather pants are, Nikki's legs are pressed together as they are making noises, that she can't help with since their so pressed together, as she's walking awkwardly towards her fellow co-workers, smiling away, "Morning" she says to some, as Brooks comes across her.
"Nik?" she asks, "What's with the look today?".
"I thought of pulling something old out for today" Nikki as she leans back with a small leathery noise comes out. As Brook's new assistant Craig comes walking by, as he catches Nikki's eyes, with Brooks getting the idea with why Nikki chose to wear a pair of leather pants today. Not impressed with Nikki's attempt.
"Hey Craig" Nikki says as she stands up straight, posing for him.
"Hi Nikki, how's your day?".
"Perfect now after seeing your smile" she says as someone bumps into with stuff falling onto the ground, with Nikki seeing it as an opportunity, "I got it" she says as she stands in front of Craig, leaning her upper body down with her black leather butt sticking out in front of him, showing her booty off, then suddenly...RIPPPP! A loud fabric tear was heard and Nikki's small white undies with a huge smiling face appears in front of her crush. With Nikki raising her head with a small gasp, face going blank, horrified to the fact that she just split her pants open in front of him. She turns her head to face him, awkwardly and blushingly with a smile and chuckle.
With him feeling awkward at the moment as he turns his head to not stare at Nikki's undies, "I'll see you around?".
"Yeah, see you around" Nikki says as she gets up and sprints like hell out of the hallway, "No" she whiles as she covers the back of her leather pants.
With Brooks standing there not helping but giggle a little.

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MCU Stories - Page 2 Empty Re: MCU Stories

Thu Nov 24, 2022 3:29 pm
Note: Here's Part Three of the She-Hulk arc with Mallory Brooks (Renee Elise Guillsberry)...set sometime after the show...

While dressing herself for work, already in her bright yellow sleeveless blouse Mallory pulls her black dress pants up, only while she buttons them, she felt a small snag, she manages to button them of course, but after words, she felt her waistline a little snug on her. "Were these pants always this tight?" Mallory asks quietly, with her hands straightening the wrinkles of her blouse, and slightly adjusts her pants as they felt a tight. She just hope she wasn't that her perfect figure isn't getting a cushin' for the pushin'. She sighs, "Relax Mallory" she calms herself down, she lets go of her pants, shrugging it off as finishes getting herself ready.
Driving herself to work, Mallory couldn't help but rub her stomach, she's wearing her black blazer jacket with a belt attached to it, as if she felt a small growling pain, as if she's hungry. Giving another growl, Mallory places her left hand on her stomach to make it stop. Only after a short while, after making a stop at a gas station to snack on some snacks to help her growl, she arrives to work feeling satisfied now as steps into her office with her black heels clicks her floor as she stops next towards her glass window, looking at her figure. Mallory unbuckles her belt and unbuttons her blazer, looking down at her stomach as sees that it is slightly sticking out, she softly gasps, mortified that she now has a small pooch sticking out. "Oh no" she says, as she buttons her blazer and buckles her belt back up, tighten it as she quickly sits down in her chair at her desk. Covering her pooch, as she can feel her small rolls pressed against her belt, why is this happening to me? Why is my perfect figure starting to gain weight all of a sudden? Mallory then ponder if it was anything she ate; with only yesterday being thai food, with her adding a small spice that her co-worker Jen barrowed from one of her clients. A sorcerer she recalled.
Mallory returns to the present when a knock is heard on her door, she turns to find Nikki knocking, "Is this not a good time?".
"No, it's fine, what's up?" Mallory acting cool asks.
"Just checking in to see if you're ready your presentation".
She forgot it's this morning. "Of course, I am" she stands up, "Why wouldn't I be?" she smiles out her confident strong woman charm, with a growl coming out of her stomach. With Nikki noticing, eying at Mallory's stomach. "I had a light breakfast this morning" Mallory says placing her hand on her pooch, slightly embarrassed to that.
At meeting, sitting next to Jen and Pug with Nikki off to side from the three, with Holliway standing next to them starting off, as he went on, Mallory can feel her pooch rumbling inside, as she starts to feel her belt getting tight around her waist, and starts to have a discomfort look when it comes to her pants. Either their tightening up around her, so something's going on; lifting the bottom of her blazer up, she notices her pooch has turn into melted ice cream as it's hanging off the waistline of her pants. Softly gasping to the horrifying weight gain that she's suffering, letting go of her blazer, she turns her head to Jen as she whispers to her.
"Jen" catching her attention, "That sorcerer who's your client, Wong" with Jen nodding, "What's that spice he gave you that you loan me".
"It's like his special spice, only takes one drop" Jen says, with Mallory's eye lifting and Jen noticing, "You did one drop right?".
"I did two" Mallory whimpers, knowing her mistake as it has catch up to her.
Then a mellow growl came out of Mallory's muffin top, as everyone in the room could hear, with all of them turning to Mallory as they can hear it coming from her. "I'm so sorry" she blushes out a smile as she stands to cover her stomach.
"Well I'm going to say if you would like to start your presentation now" Holliway asks.
"Of course" Mallory says softly as she stands next in front of him. "As our quarter of the month has started to take off..." she starts to say as she the papers for her presentation slides off her hands and lands on the floor. "Excuse me for one moment" she says sighing, not having a good morning. If it can't get any worse for her.
As turns her body around, bending her knees down with the back of her pants facing everyone, pointing straight up, as she leans down more so that's when her pants start to have its seams come undone, and then without warning...RIPPPP! Mallory lifts her head with a gasp out of shock, with everyone who has witness Mallory's major pants split, gave small gasps that turns to mumbles and soft giggles, only as they can see Mallory's pantie choice of the day...her white panties with large red hearts exposed into the open. "Jen" Mallory gulps, with Jen leaning towards her, "How bad is it?" she hopes it isn't too bad.
"Everyone can see your back door open all the way" she says.
"No!" she whiles out into total embarrassment, as she stands back up and covers the back of her pants in a flash, turning to face everyone, with her weight pressed against her belt that without warning pops wide open, making a crack in the glass window, Mallory trying to hold her blazer together felt the back of her blazer split open! "Ah!" she cries out, as she tries to feel how bad the rip is, leading to her blouse buttons pop open exposing her muffin and white bra and then the button to her pants pop open suddenly and her zipper comes undone...exposing her fully pot belly to everyone in the office. With everyone going into shock to see Mallory's sudden weight gain.
With Mallory standing there, humiliated, wanting to cry, blushing out, as suddenly a portal open up and comes out Wong, "Jen, I'm sorry to interrupt, but..." he turns to face Mallory, seeing what has happen to her, "You used two drops didn't you?".
"You can say that" she says holding her pants up, trying to hold in the tears from coming out.
Moments later, feeling calm still horribly humiliated, Mallory now dressed in one of Jen's wardrobes, and with Wong's help the weight gain that Mallory has suffered has shrunk down. "Thank you again Mr. Wong, and if there's anything I can do for you in the future" she says to him, grateful for his help.
"Well just don't do three drops, because you won't like the results of that" Wong says, with Mallory making note and nodding to it.
She walks away, hoping that the rest of the day will go on a good note, even if she knows no one is going to let it down. Leaving Wong with Jen, "Last time this happened was with Strange's ex-girlfriend. I hate to see what would happen if someone did three drops instead of two".
Wong enters into Jen's office, with Jen breaking the fourth wall, "There's an idea for Titania in the last part of this arc, three down one to go" she smiles as she enters into her office.
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MCU Stories - Page 2 Empty Re: MCU Stories

Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:30 am
Note: For the last story for the She-Hulk arc, here's Titania (Jameela Jamil)...set sometime after the show...also the ending is going to come off kind of silly and weird, but hope it'll still be enjoyable...

Dressing for her platform for her products, Mary McPherran or better known as Titania, dressed in her light blouse shirt all buttoned, pulls her dark pink silk pants up while feeling a small snugness coming from her fabric pants, even buttoning them up gave her a small grunt. Looking down, she notices a tiny, just tiny flap sticking out of her pants. Titania doesn't like having belly fat, nor feeling squishy in the middle as she points her finger into, as it goes deep inside. Other than that, her pants feel slightly snug as she checks herself out, but once she places her dark pink silk jacket on, buttoning them up like a piece of cake, Titania's insecurities went away. Honestly the last thing she recalled eating yesterday was at the law firm she recently client herself as to Mallory Brooks, while there she had a salad where she barrowed a spice from Brooks (who had barrowed it from Jennifer Walters' client Wong), who unknowing placed three drops into the salad. Other than that, nothing else as she recalls. Standing in front of her mirror, her hands straightening out the wrinkles of her blazer, patting her flap like if it meant nothing to her.
She takes a look at herself, feeling the most desirable woman to ever live, gleefully shrugging, then she hears a noise, growling noise, the growling coming from her stomach. Titania places her hands to help hide the noise. Although alone, she felt embarrassed that her tummy made a noise, not needing the stereotype of a glamorous model kicking in. Then it stopped, relieved for only a second, as she heard something, then felt something else...something she suddenly realizes as immediately turns to her side, and looks and sees her butt starting to stick out, growing in size, as Titania gasps in horror. "Whoa, whoa, whoa" she exclaims in shock, "Oh, oh no" she covers her mouth whimpering. Then looking down, she felt her jacket starting to get snug, with her perfect figure start swollen up into a size of Pluto, buttons sticking out as if their ready to pop out. "Why is this happening to me?" she shrieks.
Placing her hands on her swollen belly, her hands then suddenly appeared swollen, "Huh...what?" she asks in disbelief, as places her hands out to stare at them, feeling them to suddenly feel her beautiful cheek bones has turn into chubby cheeks. She gasps, turns to the mirror, gasps some more that turns into screams; SHE'S FAT! Titania is at the size of an obese woman, with her clothes starting to get tighter and tighter on her. "This can't happen to me" she says, if wanting to cry, "How am I going to show off that bitch, She-Hulk?". With a knock on the door, "Ms. Titania, you're on in five seconds" the voice says. She's afraid to go out there, but she knew she couldn't let her fans down.
Among the audience were Jen and Wong who were invited as a means to tell Jen to suck it from Titania, Wong was a plus one; Jen not looking forward to this, appears as She-Hulk just to give people what they want, with Wong admiring the advertisement of Titania's products. The announcer then spoke, "Now ladies and gentlemen the woman you all love and are dying to see, give it up for Titania!" everyone claps right until Titania comes off stage appearing in the form she has now, everyone gasping, with Jen gleefully shocked to see Titania as Wong appears as he knows what has happen to her. Standing on the platform, "I know I may not look like the woman you all know and love, but I am still Titania" she says holding her tears back, walking barefoot on the stage since her feet are swollen. She walks up to the platform with one of her products next to it, "I am honored to present..." she knocks the product over as it lands on the ground, luckily it didn't break or pop open. She stands there, "Uh..." she mumbles as she doesn't know what to do. She then chuckles while blushing, as she walks up towards the product, her back facing the audience, as she bends down her knees with her big bubble butt pointed straight towards the audience, as the seams of Titania's dark pink pants suddenly...RIPPPP! Splitting open right in front of the audience, exposing her face on her pink panties with her brand name underneath her once perfect facial feature.
The crowd gasps, with Jen reacting more so of holding her laughter, as Titania raises her head up with a mortified gasp, as it wasn't bad enough, she split her pants open in front of everyone! She feels how bad the rip is, and then suddenly...RIPPPP! She felt her panties splitting open, as she's mooning the audience, reacting more embarrassed as she quickly stands back up, turns to cover her fat bare skin, standing there with a force smile and a force chuckle coming out. With her belly fat pressed against her jacket, as the buttons them pop open, with her blouse shirt buttons popping off, sky rocketing all over the place, everyone covering for shelter as the buttons were violently going all over the place. "Oh no!" Titania says as her large belly fat is exposed for the world to see, as she uses her fastenings to cover her fat, as the back of her jacket split completely open, "Oh!" she shrieks, and then the button of her pants...POP! As it violently flies past the middle of Jen and Wong, with the two of them noticing the button hitting the wall behind them.
Standing there completely humiliated and exposed for all the media to take pictures of her disgrace, she whimpers of defeat as she marches off the stage, as this clearly the worst day of her life. With Jen sitting there, smirking, seeing her revival and bad guy suffering a total wardrobe malfunction. As Wong stands up, "Well if you excuse me" he open a portal, "I have to help someone who clearly took three drops from the spice", stepping in, "I got to stop letting people use it".
After the portal vanishes, Jen gets up and starts to walk out, breaking the fourth wall, "I told you this is a perfect idea to end the arc" she says as she notices a dollar bill next to her heel. She quickly bends down to pick up then...RIPPPP! She gasps, as she turns her head to stare the back of her black dress pants, with her white panties with her She-Hulk logo on it. Staring up to the fourth wall, "Got to be kidding me..." she stands up to cover the back of her pants, "Couldn't just let me suffer just one time, but no...".
"What are you bitching over" Titania shows up, surprisingly back to her perfect figure, with a spare pink silk suit to wear, "Honestly it's part of the story so...".
"She has a point" Nikki suddenly shows up dressed in the outfit she wore from her arc. As Mallory Brooks suddenly shows up, "Let's get this over with, I'm late for a business dinner meeting" she says, dressed in the outfit from her arc too.
With Jen turns to look at the back of her pants, with them suddenly sewed back together, that's when she smiles at the wall, the four woman do.
"Well we hoped you enjoyed our arc, with us splitting our pants..." Jen starts.
"Exposing our panties" Nikki adds.
"Feeling embarrassed for your amusement" Mallory says.
"And hopefully have Mr. Blackskull of this forum or what not liking our suffer" Titania adds.
"So from the four awesome gals our She-Hulk, we hope you enjoy our stories!" Jen says as the four women then turned their backs to face the wall.
With the four taking a bow down, with the back of their pants facing the wall...RIPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! With all four of them splitting their pants open, as Jen, Nikki, Mallory, and Titania forcibly smiling away.
"How long do we have to show our panties off?" Mallory ask through her teeth, sounding embarrassed already.
"Until the writer stops typing" Jen says through teeth.
That's the end of the She-Hulk story arc I hope you guys like the stories.
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MCU Stories - Page 2 Empty Re: MCU Stories

Sun Dec 11, 2022 9:43 pm
Note: For the TV MCU characters, I thought of starting with Agents of SHIELD with Melinda May...set sometime after Coulson's death in season five...

After waking up thirty minutes later, Melinda May arrives to a restaurant that's next to base that she's meeting Yo-Yo for lunch, as times are tough after Thanos has whipped half of life off the planet, with personal effects taken in place following Coulson's passing and with Fitz's death, as Daisy and Simmons are up in space to find the Fitz who's floating in space. For May, she is going through a tough time after Coulson's passing, she wouldn't admit it to anyone, though she is, and with half the time gone, she's glad to get out and do things like this, at least Yo-Yo can get out every now and then. When she walks into the restaurant looking for Yo-Yo, May couldn't help yet to adjust her SHIELD belt buckle as her gray pants are starting to snug up on her. For the tough time May is going through, she has started to let her physique get soft, at least it's small enough for no one to notice, though she doesn't want anyone to know how bad it's getting, especially as she zips up black leather jacket to hide it from Yo-Yo. Yo-Yo acknowledges May arriving.
"I ordered some fried pickles while waiting, hope you didn't mind" she says to May.
"You're good" May says as she sits down in awkward position as she can feel rolls sticking out the top of her pants, with her facial expression giving Yo-Yo a raised eyebrow.
"You okay?" she asks May.
"I'm fine, just sore from training yesterday".
"When did you train? Mack gave us some time off".
"Well, personal training I went to a local gym for" May says, as Yo-Yo can see that something's going on with her.
Their waitress walks up to them, "Hi, can I take your guys' orders?". As the two knew what they wanted, Yo-Yo order a salad, as May ordered two baskets of buffalo wings in her response was is that she's very hungry.
After lunch and with the ticket paid for, the baskets made May feel heavy and full, she leans back against the chair she's sitting on, if she's wanting to take a nap, her hands placed on her pooch as she feels is hard as a rock and feels her pants tighter on her. It may have not dawn on May, but her pooch has started to stick up further when it came to the wings that also had fries in each of them with beans and rolls, making her stuffed tummy full, as Yo-Yo looked down at May's pooch, "Wow, I never thought you would eat that much, Melinda" Yo-Yo says as she pokes at May's stuffed belly, feeling how it's rock solid, as May groans a little.
"My tummy" May says as she pats her taunted belly, "I ate too much". May noticed her her pooch has started to stick out, she looks that her belt is going to want to break, as the center of her leather jacket is sticking up. "I think it's time to head back to base" May says getting up, groaning as she's trying to get up. Yo-Yo offers a hand, "I'm good" May rejects, as her hands are on her belly as she stumbles walking out, her black heel boots clicking on the floor as she feels she can barely walk, with Yo-Yo fastens herself to make sure May is doing all right.
"May, I think you're putting on weight" she whispers to May's ear.
"What makes you think that?".
"May your tummy sticking straight through your jacket..." she pats May's stomach through her jacket, "...and your walking like you need to go use number 2".
May turns to look at Yo-Yo with a stern look on her face, "What I'm going through with my body is my business and not yours".
She bumps into someone, May's phone drops onto the ground, she sighs if slightly annoyed, she gets down down on her knees, bending them down, with her upper body leaning towards the ground with the back of her pants facing Yo-Yo, with the seams of May's pants starting to stretch further out as suddenly...RIPPPP! May lifts her head up with a mortified feeling, in complete silence, as her hands feel the back of her pants, feeling her light blue Captain America's Shield panties widely exposed. Still in that position, in complete terror, May whimpers out, "Oh My God!". Standing back up, May grabs Yo-Yo and wraps her around her waist.
"We need to get back to base, now" May with the humiliating feeling sinking into her, says to Yo-Yo who only says, "I agree" holding on a straight face. As the two SHIELD awkwardly walk back to base with petaradians noticing them walking awkwardly past them.
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MCU Stories - Page 2 Empty Re: MCU Stories

Wed Dec 14, 2022 2:59 am
Note: I thought of redoing May's story with Daisy and Simmons for Agents of SHIELD...set sometime after the fifth season...

After waking up fifteen minutes than she normally does, May dresses herself in her black shirt and gray pants, only as she buttons them she felt a small snag, she buttons them yet felt tight around her waist - did my pants shrink? she thought. May takes a look down at her figure, while looking like herself she notices a small belly sticking out of the top of her pants; a small belly flab, she pokes at it - feeling thick. May not exactly flattered to see she's putting on weight, grabs her black leather jacket and zips up where no one can see her flab.
Walking down the hallway, May's black boots clicks as she walks while she has the nagging feeling as she wiggles her SHIELD brand belt buckle around her waist as she gives a slight facial expression of her pants getting tight. She's just glad no one notices Melinda May having issues with her pants. May heads to break room where she meets up with Daisy and Simmons; Daisy dressed in her gray long sleeve shirt, dark jeans and boots with Simmons dressed more casually in her white shirt, black dress pants and loafers as the two are also wearing black leather jackets zipped to their necks. They have an obvious feeling on their faces that something's on their mind, May can see it. "Daisy, Gemma, what's up? I mean Gemma I never see you in leather" May says.
The two SHIELD agents look at each other, then Daisy goes, "I don't know how, but lately Simmons and I have been having cravings lately, and it's starting to take more of a toll".
"What toll?" May asks.
Daisy sighs, if not wanting to do it, she unzips her leather jacket and lifts up her shirt as Daisy's slim stomach pours out a small pot belly as if she had ate a big meal. May's eyes lit in awe, surprised to see how Daisy put on that amount of weight in a small time. "Simmons?" May asks, Simmons feels more embarrassed but she sighs as she unzips her jacket and lifts up her shirt and exposes her tummy to May. "Oh my God" she quietly says, then May gently pokes at Simmons' tummy as it's soft and squishy, and Daisy's so soft that May's finger presses deep down into it. After May is finished, the two put their shirts down if that wasn't humiliating enough for them, May decides to be brave and unzips her jacket and shows her small flab, as it appears as a small bowl due to her belt. Daisy and May are surprised that May's physic is getting soft, only she has small belly fat compared to the two. Daisy pokes at May's flab as it's thick as if May is starting to have this happen to her.
As May puts her shirt down with the agents zipping up their jackets, "I think it's clear that something is going on, and we're suddenly packing".
"Last thing I ate was a sandwich and then I started to feel for leftover burgers and then I started to feel my jeans..." Daisy adjust the top of her jeans, "...getting tight".
"For me, I think after Fitz's death I think I've started to handle it where it resorts to binge-eating, and well..." Simmons pats her tummy, "...it's taking a toll on me too".
Before they can continue, they all feel something in their bellies, a craving they want to eat, May turns to the fridge and opens it, finding tubs of ice cream in the freezer. The three agents stare at them as if they can't take their eyes away, temptation kicking in, they all are thinking of the same thing. Daisy's hand placed on her stomach, as she tempted for sure. "What is one tub going to do" May says.
3 tubs of ice cream later, the three SHIELD agents sat down in their chairs, full from eating all that ice cream as it left them feeling heavy. May leaning back against her chair ready for a nap, as she gives a sigh of exhaustion, Daisy moans with her eyes rolled up as she unbuttons her jeans as she sighs with her hands placed on her taunted stomach, as Simmons unbuttons and unzips her pants feeling such relief, as her hands are placed on her tummy, "I feel a food baby in me".
"You got that sister" Daisy says, rubbing her stomach.
"I know we ate too much" May moans as pats her belly. She looks down at her flab, as it has stick out further as it has push the middle of her leather jacket to go up, as May feels she has gain a belly now. "I think I'm going to sleep it off" May says, groaning as tries to get herself up.
"Right behind you" Daisy says groaning as she too tries to get on her feet.
"Wait for me" Simmons moans as it turns into groaning as tries to get out her feet.
With them on their feet, groaning as May adjust her belt and Daisy buttons up her jeans and Simmons uncomfortably buttons and zips up her pants, the three stumble towards the door, holding their newly gain food babies, barely standing on their feet. Simmons leans against a table, as she knocks over one of the tubs they ate, she starts to bend down her knees as she stumbling her upper body down to pick the tub, as she gets closer...RIPPPP! She lifts her head up with a small gasp, eye lit with her pale face wanting to turn red, with Daisy and May stood there in shock to the noise they all heard. Simmons feels the back of her pants, how it violently spilt open and her pink star lit panties exposed, she gasps again as she stands back up with her hands covering the back, as Simmons blushes out a smile with her face turn red.
May and Daisy keep their giggles to themselves, but can't find it funny, "It's okay Simmons, I'll get it" Daisy says as she slowly gets down onto her knees and the lower she got, the more her jeans starts to get loosen, and without warning...RIPPPP! With Daisy lifting her head up with a gasp, she turns her to look down at the back of her jeans, seeing widely open her oval shape split is, as she can feel if she could fall out of them, with her white panties with lighting bloats on them - secretly a Thor fan she is. "I knew wearing these pair today was a bad choice" Daisy hisses as she stands back up and covers the back of her jeans.
May smirks while feeling something for the two SHIELD agents, "I guess third time's the charm" May says as she fastens herself down where she's close to sitting on the ground...RIPPPP! May's face froze as sat there in silent, did I she thinks to herself, feeling the back of her pants, feeling her Captain America Shield exposed, her eyes lit as she grabs the tub and then use to cover the back of her pants. She sighs if she needs to breath, and then suddenly, the buckle of May's belt pops opens and flies across the room, and suddenly the buttons of the three agents pop open, hitting the walls as their bellies are widely exposed. Giving quite the impressive yet unflattering pot bellies, with May surprisingly showing more of a belly than Daisy and Simmons.
Without them knowing, a camera is shown as it's revealed that they were inject with a serum during their sleeps as it was the same conspirators who made Maria Hill goes through the same thing four years ago.
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Sun Dec 25, 2022 12:42 am
Note: I thought of Bobbi Morse from Agents of SHIELD...set during season four after she left the show in season 3...

With the holidays going on and after a rough year they had after leaving SHIELD, Bobbi Morse and Lance Hunter decided to have date night on Christmas Eve as they though it would feel romantic to go out on a night like tonight. Showing up at a local restaurant that Bobbi herself has been a regular customer for the past month, arriving in her black leather jacket while wearing her light blue sweater and dark denim jeans with her black caviler boots, Bobbi looks forward to having dinner tonight with Hunter as they made it to their table. Before sitting down, Bobbi adjust her pants as she suddenly starts to feel a little snug in them, even sitting down made her grunt slightly as her face reads how uncomfortable she felt sitting down. As Bobbi doesn't want to admit it, she's put on some weight after she and Hunter left the team; coming here recently and just once a week, Bobbi has ate whatever is served here, putting on a small softness to her slim figure. At least it's small and not too squishy, last thing Bobbi needs is going from a SHIELD agent to a blimp. Other than her, Hunter happens to notice his ex-wife's sudden change.
"Feeling ok, Bobs?" he asks.
"I'm good" Bobbi says smiling as she leans back against her chair with her hands placed on her stomach, with her leather jacket still zipped up. That's when a server shows up with with a dish for the couple.
"Ms. Morse lovely to see you again, this is on the house" he says placing the dish of small gingerbread men on the table as the appetizer, as delicious as they looked Bobbi gives herself a grain as she takes on and starts eating it if she ate it all in one bite. "Thanks" she says to the server as he walks away.
Leaving Hunter with a questionable look on his face, "How often have you come here?'.
"One a week, but I guess tip well for them to recognize me" Bobbi says finishing with the first gingerbread men, going into the second, eventually the third gingerbread man. To the point, Hunter name had one as he watches Bobbi grouch herself into eating the dish. Once finishes, she moans slightly as she leans against the table, feeling her pants snugger around her waist as they started to feel more uncomfortable on her. "Sorry I ate it all, they just have really great food here" she says to Hunter.
"I can see what you mean" he says, feeling if he should feel concern for her, this isn't like her.
Then the waitress shows up with an entrée of deserted foods onto the table: hot fudge brownie ice cream, Christmas theme cookies, chocolate balls, and a serving of chocolate ice cream. Bobbi having a surprisingly excited look on her face as Hunter is in horror of seeing the entrée itself. She turns to Hunter, "Well buddy, time to dig in" Bobbi says as starts to dig in.
Ten minutes later, Bobbi ate most of the entrée as it left her feeling heavy and full as she leans back against her chair as if she want to nap, "Oh my tummy" Bobbi moans as she feels her pants tighter than they were when they arrived here. Hunter who had ate some, looked more amazed at Bobbi's soft pooch sticking out through her leather jacket, right as Bobbi places her hands on her taunted belly. As Bobbi looks if she wants to nap that's when the chef comes to see the couple, "How is my favorite customer doing" the female chef says as Bobbi turns her head with a welcoming look on her face.
"We're doing great tonight, the dishes you sent over here were perfect as always" Bobbi says.
"That's good to hear, and I can see you enjoyed it quite well" she says as she pokes at Bobbi's stuffed belly, feeling solid as concrete.
"I know I ate a lot, but who could resist your cooking" Bobbi says.
"Well you're too kind, hope you enjoy yourselves" she walks away leaving the couple.
"Okay Bobs" Hunter comes up closer to Bobbi, "I get after all that has happen you're looking to comfort yourself, but this is a little much".
"It's not something I can get rid of".
"Bobbi, your figure has a cushin for the pushin" Hunter says as he pokes down deep into Bobbi's belly, with her moaning as she feels stuffed. Bobbi wasn't sure what she didn't like more, her pants feeling like they're going to explode or that Hunter's right. Looking down and seeing her stomach sticking out further than it should, Bobbi wonders how the hell she let herself get this way. She even realized they haven't had dinner yet and she's stuffed herself with mostly deserts.
"I need to step out for a moment" Bobbi says as she leans forward, groaning as she tries standing up. Hunter comes to her aid, but she rejects his aid as she manages to stand on her feet. "I'm okay, just need to use the restroom".
Once in the restroom, alone, she stands next to a sink, looking at herself in the mirror as she unzips her leather jacket as she gasps due to the shock she sees in her once slim figure. "What happened to me?" Bobbi asks as her hands are placed on her volleyball belly, patting it with a small beat, seeing how her rolls are sticking out the top of her pants. She lifts the top of her shirt up to see her full stomach, her finger pressed against her bare skin, feeling if she has stretch marks growing in. She sighs as she drops her shirt, she stands there in disbelief, she was a SHIELD agent and now she has a pot belly growing. Perhaps, after everything that has happen in the past two years, may have got to her and led her to want to eat as a means of comfort. She gives an inhale and then sighs in relief, right as the button of her denim pants pops open and lands on the floor, giving her a small gulp, feeling embarrassed that she popped her button off her pants. Walking over to where the button lands, she gets down onto her knees without haste as she leans over to pick the button up, right as...RIPPPP!
Bobbi lifts her head up with a gasp, eye lit up with her face going into a complete blank, with a mortified feeling growing into her, she feels the back of her pants, feeling her pink lightening bolt panties as she's a Thor fan exposed open. As she covers the back of her pants, feeling the wide open oval of her jeans split completely open, Bobbi face blushes, "Oh My Friggin' God" she says.
Giving Hunter a call on her phone, he answers.
Hunter: Yeah.
Bobbi: I need to come to the restroom now.
Hunter: The women's restroom, why? I can't exactly go in there unless I know why.
Bobbi sighs with a embarrassed expression, she answers: I ripped my pants and the button to my pants popped off, so I need you to help me get out of here without anyone seeing me.
Once Hunter arrives he tries to not laugh, though his grin he couldn't help as he hands Bobbi his jacket as she wraps it around her waist, she turns to him with a stern look on her face, "Not one word about this to anyone, you hear me?".
"I wouldn't dream of it, Bobs" he says, still grinning, though it was close enough for her.
Through surveillance, the chef watches with a sinister smirk on her face, "You got what you deserve for betraying our organization Ms. Morse" she says. "Hail Hydra".
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MCU Stories - Page 2 Empty Re: MCU Stories

Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:15 pm
Note: I thought of a sequel to Jane Foster...set between The Dark World and Love Thunder - around the same time she and Thor broke up...

Darcy sits slightly aguishly in a seat next door to the room in the SWORD's facility, waiting for her mentor and best friend Jane Foster to show up; after the Accords and with the Avengers at war with each other, Secretary of State Ross is wanting to know the whereabouts of Thor. As Darcy is starting to get nervous for why Jane isn't here yet, she hears heels clicking on the floor, and finds Jane showing up just past fifteen minutes, dressed in her black stripped dress suit, light pink blouse shirt, and black heels with her blazer unbuttoned. She appears if she's not having a good morning already.
"Jane" Darcy stands up to call her out, standing next to Darcy, "I thought you weren't going to show for a minute, I almost freaked out".
"Sorry, I'm not really off to a good start this morning" Jane says as she adjusts her belt buckle, and wiggles the waistline of her pants.
With Darcy noticing it, "Jane, you okay?" she asks with an eyebrow raised.
"Yeah, my pants are a little snug on me" Jane says as she finishes with her small dance with her pants. "Couldn't even get my blazer to button up".
"Well Jane, I may have a good idea, and I think someone's putting on a tummy" Darcy says smirkingly as she pokes at Jane's small squishy pooch, with Darcy's finger pressing deep down into the pooch.
Jane shrugs Darcy off as she's already not in the mood, "It has nothing to do with me putting on a tummy, there...just old, and I hadn't worn them in a long time" Jane denies it.
After she and Thor ended things, she had started to put on some weight, binged some burgers and fries from a joint next door to her apartment, with her work keeping her occupied she hasn't found time to get a workout in, so as she woke up this morning, Jane notice she has put a pooch belly, clearly noticeable as she spent part of her morning getting her pants on.
"Is Ross in there?" she asks.
"Yep, we were just waiting for you to show up" Darcy says.
"Of all days for him to come harass me for where he can go hunt Thor..." Jane says struggles buttoning her blazer, grunting slightly, "...why can't I get this damn button...".
"Let me help" Darcy says, "Suck it in", Jane stares at her, "It worked last time when you couldn't get your jeans on". Jane sighs as she inhales, sucking in her pooch as much as she can, as Darcy quickly gets two of the bottom buttons through. "There" Darcy says satisfied, "Now no one will notice your pooch" Darcy says patting Jane's pooch, as if it feels soft as a pillow.
The door opens, and a SWORD employee pops her head out through it, "Dr. Foster, Dr. Lewis, he's ready to see you two". The two scientists follow the assistant inside of the room.
They enter finding Ross standing next to the window, with the two not sure if he's patiently waiting for Jane to arrive or not, Jane and Darcy felt the intimation from him, especially since he's the guy who spent his career hunting down Banner, with Jane feeling that he might have it out for her already since she was in a relationship with a God no less. Other than that, her mind was more occupied with tight her outfit is, as if the outfit's like tight skin.
"Have a seat" he says, with Darcy sitting on the right of the table, with Jane sitting on the center end, facing Ross, as her pants snug up on her as she's seated down. "So Dr. Foster, I have to say for the past five years, your studies and theories involving Thor are astoundingly, as if you have achieved more than any other scientist in history". Jane feels somewhat flattered, though knew it's not really a complement. "Now, as you are aware, with the Accords now effective, and with our once heroes at war with each other, I need to know where Thor is at, so that way I can determine if he's going to take part of the Accords or if he poses any threat".
"Here's the thing about that, after he went into space in search of these Infinity Stones he said every so often, I hadn't seen him in almost a year" Jane confidently says to him. "And frankly, I wouldn't think he were to pose a threat to anyone, since he saved the world countless time".
"If you're forgetting Dr. Foster, your ex has been involved with several near apocalyptic scenarios" Ross turns the TV on, with footage of the New Mexico incident, the Battle of New York, the Dark Elves incident, and recently the aftermath of Ultron's reign in Sokovia. "Whether or not he posses a threat is something you should take in consideration, since he presence helped your studies".
Jane feeling attacked, "If your after a God, go after his brother who provoked most of those situations, as Thor would fix his doings..." Jane stands up, right as a button of her blazer pops off and smacks Ross in the eye. He yelps, with Jane standing there freezingly as she sees that one of her buttons popped. "Oh shit!" she exclaims as the other button pops off and lands on the floor. "Shit" he whimpers as she quickly gets on her knees, her upper body leaning down with her butt sticking forward in front of Ross, just as...RIPPPP!
A loud tearing noise was made, with Jane lifting her head up with a gasp, face going into shock, eyes heading to blank, her pants feeling more loose than they should; she feels the back of her trousers, feeling the huge wide open tear, with her green Hulk panties exposed in the open. She softly whimpers out a gasp, with Darcy staring at Jane's panty choice, pressing her lips together as she's amused. "Oh my God" Jane says as she stands back, and covers the back of her pants, turning to face forward to Ross who rubs his eye, "My apologies..." Jane says blushing with her face turning literally red, she sighs out a deep breath, then without warning, the buttons of her blouse shirt starts popping open and flying across the room with Ross and Darcy taking cover underneath the table. Once it was over, they stick their heads out and see Jane's pooch, revealing that she has quite the balloon shape belly. Jane stood there if she wants to cry, with her belly exposed in the open.
Ross standing up, "Well I can say that your are not aware of Thor's whereabouts, and that this concludes with our meeting" he says, "I suggest you run and change into a pair of clothes that fits".
Jane nods, with seconds later, Jane with Darcy wrapped around her waist, rushes out and tries to head to Jane's car, before anyone notices.
"I can't think of what's worse, my pants ripping in front of Ross, or hinting I'm a fan of the Hulk with my panty choice" Jane says, with her face burning.
"I thought it was funny, especially with your Hulk panties" Darcy says smirking.
"Shut up" Jane hisses out at her as they rush through the exit door, hoping no one saw that. Unbeknownst to Jane, security cameras had caught Jane's wardrobe malfunction, with all of security laughing their asses off, if see Thor's girlfriend splitting her pants, and belly exposure was the highlight of their day.

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Wed Jun 07, 2023 3:47 am
Note: Thought of an Agents of SHIELD story - set between seasons 2 and 3...

After attempting to unlocking the monolith that sucked Gemma Simmons inside of it, Melinda May woke up the next morning dressing herself in her black t-shirt as she pulls her black jeans up her hips - although May got them pulled up, she felt "My pants are tighter than usual" she says to herself. Buttoning her jeans, she felt the waistline tighter around her waist, facing herself in the mirror May takes a look at her physique, her hands on her abs, feeling if she may have put on some weight, though she hadn't ate anything in the past couple of days that could have her gain weight. Stepping out of her room with her black boots on, she zips up her black leather jacket as it even felt snug on her - especially as it makes her look thicker around her waist.
"Don't let ruin your day Melinda" May says to herself, pulling the bottom of her jacket, and patting the winkles out of her waist.
At the lab, May meets up with Daisy stands in front of the monolith, dressed in her blue navy shirt, black jeans and boots, and black leather jacket unzipped, as she stares at it, she couldn't help but to adjust the waistline around her pants, as they felt snug up on her. "Trouble with your pants there, Daisy?" May asks as stares at the monolith.
"Yeah, I think I've put on some weight" Daisy finishes as her hands are on her waist. "Though I hadn't ate anything lately that would lead me to put on weight". Looking at the monolith, "Only I thought of the monolith, when it open for that short time".
"When it looked like it was going to suck us in like Simmons?".
"Yeah, and it didn't, I wonder if it instead made us get thicker..." Daisy lifts her shirt up to May, as her flat stomach is sticking out slightly, May surprised to see Daisy with a belly. With May worried that it may have gave her a side effect, especially since she feels tight in her pants too. "I can see it got to you too..." Daisy gently pokes at May's thick belly.
May glaring at her, "You want to keep that finger, I suggest to pull it out of my belly". With Daisy doing so, smirking.
The two head footsteps, Bobbi Morse comes around to meet up with them, dress in her blue shirt and dark denim jeans and her long black boots, "Good morning ladies" Bobbi voice strains as she stretches her pants out, "Sorry my pants are getting tight on me for some reason". The two agents look at Bobbi and sees she's getting thick too. Bobbi sighs if annoy, "Okay yes, I've put on a tummy..." Bobbi places her hands on her thick belly, "I'm embarrassed already for it, since I need Hunter to help me button my jeans this morning. And I hadn't ate anything gave me this..." she pats her belly as it sounds like a melon.
"I think we have a good idea" May says, "Daisy and I are going through it too".
"Do you think it may have something to do with last night? My head keeps coming back to it" Bobbi says.
"Same with us-" May places her hand on the desk, or something that was on it as a clipboard falls onto floor - leading the three agents together to get down onto their knees to pick it up. Only at the same time...RIPPPP! The three agents lift their heads up, eyes lit, faces going into a complete stare, speechless, as they look at each other. Not wanting to admit to something...
Daisy asks after a gulp, "Why am I feeling like my pants are looser than they should?".
May feels the back of her jeans, feeling her red panties with mini SHIELD symbols, her eyes lit, "I ripped my pants" May mortified as she says it out loud.
Daisy feels the back of her jeans, feeling her pink panties with Olaf minis, "I ripped mine too" Daisy says, regretting wearing her panties with her favorite Disney sidekick today.
"Me three" Bobbi says whimpering, as her hands feel the back of her denim jeans, feeling her white panties with small snowflakes on them.
"Hey guys, Coulson wants to..." Hunter says coming in, staring at the three agents' panties, as he quickly turns away, "Ah jeez...".
The three gasps as they realize someone is staring at their panties, they stood back up quickly covering themselves, with Daisy blushing, and Bobbi's face turn red as May's panties, as May manages to stay strong, hiding her embarrassed feeling.
"Tell Coulson we'll be there in a couple minutes" Bobbi says blushing with an awkward Hunter nodding and walking away leaving the three embarrassed and thick SHIELD agents to their embarrassment.
"Hopefully Fitz can make a cure to help our thick issue" May says, "So much for my perfect physique".

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Fri Jun 23, 2023 12:31 am
Note: I thought of doing some of the Netflix characters, starting off with Claire Temple...set after Luke Cage's second season...

"Knew those candy bars were gonna catch up to my figure" Claire says with her voice strain, slightly sweating off the top of her forehead, her teeth grinding down while laying flat on her bed, as she pulls the fastenings of her jeans while trying to button them.
After things with Luke didn't end up, Claire ended up taking some shifts down at a clinic she's started working at, just to distances herself from the superpower community for a while; doing some she took on extra shifts as she snack mostly candy during the past 96 hours as she's feeling a little thicker as she's having issues with her jeans. "Come on" Claire groans, "Friggin' kidding me, I'm a nurse and I help out superheroes and I can't get a damn pair of jeans on?". She giggles with the zipper, managing to get them to zip up slowly, "You got this..." after pulling an inch, "Almost..." her finger gives them a fast pull as she sighs just as she buttons her jeans. Claire relieved, sighs feeling on top of the world. Gloating to herself, she stands up to look at herself in the mirror, Claire lifts up her dark blue flower silk up as she sees a small muffin sticking out.
Discomforted, "Perhaps I should lay off the candy, as I put on..." she gently pats her muffin like dream, while in a pouting voice, "...a small tummy, not good". Lifting her shirt down and getting herself together, "But I can say suck it as got this..." she smacks her ass if proudly, "...into these, and I look fabulous!". She looks around her floor, "Now to find my shoes". Claire stumbles her eyes on her black boots behind her, bending down to reach for them, the thread of the back of her jeans gave out on her...RIPPPP! Claire lifts her head up with a mellow gasp, not believing the feeling that her pants have got looser. Her hands feel the wide oval shape tear, as she can feel her white panties with Ariel and other Disney princesses on.
"Oh" Claire says standing up, feeling defeated, covering herself up if someone's there. Stares at the mirror again, "And these jeans were my favorite too" she says with a slow sigh, just as...POP! The button to her jeans pops open, cracking the top of the mirror where Claire's forehead at, made her gasp a little.
The zipper came undone and plump came out her small pooch, Claire placing her hands on her pooch if it were a baby, sighs once more, "Days like today, I wish I was still working with superheroes".
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Sun Oct 15, 2023 4:27 pm
Note: Thought of a sequel to Kate Bishop...set sometime after Hawkeye...

While preparing on patrol on her own, Kate Bishop strains herself, grunting through her teeth, laying flat on her back as she pulls the fastenings of her black pants together; "God these fit fine on me couple nights ago" Kate's voice strain. Her fingers were starting to hurt, feel slightly sweat coming off the top of her forehead, her bare feet hanging above the floor, Kate can feel her pants getting tight around her. "Okay, Kate got to do it the old fashion way" Kate says to herself, "Time suck the tummy in..." she inhales without haste, sucking in her belly as manages to quickly button her pants and gives her pants a quick zip, she yelps a little. "Camal toe rising" she groans a little, "Okay". Standing her feet, Kate feels the waistline tightening around her, she grabs her boots and heads out of her room to find Yelena who's invited to patrol with Kate waiting for her to get dress. "About time" Yelena says looking up at her.
"Sorry, I had to stretch my pants" Kate says twisting her waistline, "Must left them in the dryer for too long".
"Perhaps" Yelena says getting up, walking over to Kate, "Or I think someone's putting on a tummy..." she pokes at Kate's belly, feeling how thick it's gotten. Her purple pullover, makes it noticeable.
"Leave me alone on that" Kate shrugs Yelena off, clearly she didn't like Yelena making note of Kate putting on weight.
"Might want to lay off the mac n' cheese or else you may end up looking like that Asgardian who got chunky".
Kate stares at Yelena, "I'm damn well no where near looking chunky, and besides it's muscle growth" Kate pats her belly as it sounds like a watermelon. With Yelena just staring at her, with a smirk, and her only telling Kate, "Whatever you say my dear Katherine, though you might want to upgrade your pants size". Yelena walks away, with Kate annoyed though admitting to herself, that she's right.
On patrol, as Kate and Yelena are looking for any suspicious behavior on the streets, Kate sits there uncomfortably, with her pants feeling snugger on her than they already were. Maybe Yelena was right and to lay off the Mac n' Cheese, she thought. Kate then also has the unsettling thought...what if I'm getting fat like The God of Thunder. The thought made Kate cringed, as Kate adjusts the bottom of her pants, feeling the seams going up where they shouldn't. "So Kate, want to talk about what's going with you, if you want to share" Yelena asks remaining on the streets.
Kate sighs, then starts, "Well I think you're right, I've put on some weight..." Kate places her hand on her belly, "I wouldn't say I put on a tummy, because this is nowhere near a tummy, though I've felt my other pants getting snug on me. I mean I think after what my mom did with Kingpin, and having to put her in jail. I know I did the right thing, but at the same time I may have guilt for putting her away".
"I can understand that Kate, at the same time she made her choices, and you shouldn't let it get to you, it's not your responsibility for her misdeeds". Then, "Got something, mugger in pursuit of a young couple".
Kate gets her gear uses her bow and shoots an arrow near the spot, and slides down, going a little too fast, as Kate's picking up speed, "Oh shit" Kate cries out as she lands on the glass mirror. "Kate" Yelena says on her ear piece, "You okay?". Kate replying, "I'm awesome" her right cheek pressed against the glass, as she slides down a little, with her moaning a little.
The mugger and the couple stare at her for a second, "Okay then, back to what I was doing" he says, holding the couple at gun point.
Kate then on her feet, gets into action and kicks the gun out of his hand, and knocks him out cold with a hard kick in the face. "Thank you" the woman says to Kate.
"You're welcome" Kate says as she notices her bow on the ground, "Now if you'll excuse me I have some patrolling to do" she bends down to get her arrow, just as...RIPPPP! Kate lifts her head, speechless and in shocked. "Oh no" she whimpers quietly, as she feels the back of her pants, feeling the large oval shape tear, feeling her care bear panties widely exposed. Kate gasps loudly as she stands quickly and turns her backside from the couple. "Have a good evening" Kate's pale face blushes straight red, as she gets her gear and immediately runs off. As the couple waited for her to leave, to then start giggling, not everyday that a superhero rips her pants while saving them.
Kate hiding in an ally, hears Yelena saying something to her, "Need an upgrade on those pants?" Yelena says as she's smirking on the earpiece.
"For now at least" Kate blushful response, at least she doesn't have to deal with underneath her pants anymore. She sighs, as the button of her pants pops open and her zipper comes undone and her pants falls down. Annoyed, "Had to say that".

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Thu Apr 04, 2024 2:43 am
Note: I thought of a story with Bobbi Hunter from Agents of SHIELD...season during season three...

In her room, Bobbi leaps into the air trying to the pull the fastenings of dark jeans, grunting with her straining voice, grinding down her teeth, face almost turning red, almost sweaty, Bobbi was determine to get her jeans on. Looking down at her her fastenings, over her small pot belly sticking out, her near blister fingers were close to button. "Man, I just got these jeans, and they fit fine on me, three days ago" Bobbi says with a small huff. Looking at herself in the mirror, the SHIELD agent places her legs together, leans her upper body over, grunts some more as she's almost there. "You got this Bobbi...almost..." she says as her pants were close to buttoning..."Okay...okay...okay..." with a small sigh of relief Bobbi buttons her pants and gives them a quick zip. Her relief fades as she notices her small belly sticking out. "Guess I need to lay off some of the ice cream, in the fridge" Bobbi says with a small pat to her belly.
Moments later, Bobbi having her black ankle boots and black sweater walks to the elevator, stepping in alone as the door closes, standing there Bobbi adjusts her waistline as her jeans were snugging up on her. Bobbi ponders to her weight issue, she had a good ab look, now she's carry a flab look, and she hadn't binge out lately to put on a belly; at least she has a small belly sticking out. The door opens and Hunter enters, "Good morning" Bobbi says, as it's the only thing she says to him, other than the tension between them, she isn't really in the mood due to her pants. Hunter stands next to her as the elevator takes them down, he notices Bobbi's belly, with Bobbi noticing uses her sweater to cover it up.
"Doing okay, Bobs?" Hunter asks, concern, truly concern.
"Other than having a fun time trying to button my damn jeans, and that I've got a tummy sticking, I'm awesome" Bobbi sarcastically says. After a moment, "Okay, I'm sorry, it's just I don't know what's going on with me, I haven't ate too badly, and still I'm gaining slowly..." Bobbi holds her belly fat. "Either if Ward and his girlfriend put something in me or...".
"I wouldn't think that ahead" he tells her.
"I know, it's...I'm a badass SHIELD agent and I don't like being a badass with a belly" Bobbi says showing some insecurity in her.
"Hey, you're a badass, with a belly or not, and if someone is trying to mess with you, we'll find them" he says to her holding her hand in comfort, which she appreciates.
As the door opens the two exit out as Bobbi hears a text from her phone, she pulls her phone out of her left pocket, her pockets were snugged, after she pulls it out, it slips on the ground. Bobbi sighs as she gets down on her knees...RIPPPP! Bobbi gasps as her head lifts up and her face goes total blank, feeling the back of her jeans, feeling the wide oval shape tear, feeling her pink panties! "Crap! Bobbi shrieks as she quickly stands back up and covers her backside, face turning red she turns to face Hunter with a blush. Hunter starts smirking, and then giggling, as it pisses Bobbi off. "Oh go to hell, Hunter" she huffs, just as...POP! The button of her jeans pop off and her jeans drop onto the ground, as her pink panties are exposed! Bobbi gasps loudly, as she pulls her pants up, completely humiliated! Why me, she ponders, wanting to cry. Hunter stops as he takes his jacket off and wraps it around Bobbi's waist.
"So you hold your pants up while having something to cover your ass" he says.
Bobbi gulps some pride down, "Thanks" she blushingly smiles to him as she walks away. Hunter stays back, as continues laughing.
Seeing the woman he loves split her pants open, made his day.
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Sun May 26, 2024 11:18 pm
Note: I thought of a story on Pepper Potts...set after Endgame...

After a month after Tony's sacrifice to defeat Thanos, as Pepper successfully runs Stark Industries while emotionally she has started to spend more time at the office and taking on sweets in the vending machine as Pepper's slim figure was starting to show a soft spot. Arriving to the office twenty minutes later than usual Pepper dress in her black MODFUL business suit wearing her black heels and shades as she enters the elevator; alone in it, Pepper takes her shades off as she adjusts her belt around her pants, as her small pooch was making her medium size wardrobe snug as it took her literally ten minutes to get her outfit on, as Pepper was embarrassed that she had trouble getting her pants on. Pepper gently rubs her pooch as she feels her one piece button wanting to pop and sighs, "Just get through today, and I can go home wearing leggings", which would make her rolls stick out, discomforting her.
Stepping off and entering to her office, Pepper was meeting with former SHIELD deputy director Maria Hill as they were schedule to discuss about SHIELD intel that was lent to Tony before the battle of New York. As Pepper finds Hill sitting at the chair in front of Pepper's desk, Pepper puts on a pleasant face and tries not to think of her snug outfit, "Good morning Maria, it's good to see you" Pepper walks towards Hill as Hill stands up, "You too Pepper" as the two brought it in, at this point a hug was more proper to them than a handshake. After letting go, Pepper sits in her chair facing Hill, "So this drive..." she pulls out from her desk, "Contains any SHIELD data, anything Fury doesn't want out in the open, in here, hopefully this helps".
"It does, and thank you again, I know this perhaps wasn't a good time to do it, but you know Fury" Hill says.
"Yeah, I can understand" Pepper sighs, as leans against chair, leaning back as if she wants to take a nap, "Man just weird that he's gone".
"I miss him too Pepper, despite Tony's difference with Fury and I, I always admired him" Hill says, as she noticing Pepper's pooch. "Everything okay, Pepper?".
"Yeah" Pepper leans forward with a small grunt, "Just been busy, and while I still get to spend time with Morgan it's just well, Morgan pointed out I have a tummy" Pepper lifts her pooch up. Thinking of her daughter mentioning her pooch, embarrassed Pepper.
Hill staring, "Well at one point I was putting on weight as I had a good gut sticking out too" Maria pats her belly.
"Yeah, it's just I'm embarrassed that of all ways to grief I turned to eating and it literally took me ten minutes to button my own pants" Pepper says if she wants to cry.
"Hey, hey, hey" Hill walks over to a near teary eye Pepper, "It's okay, at least you're grieving, and there's nothing to be ashamed of, plus I think you look having a small belly" Hill gently pats Pepper's pooch.
Pepper sniffs feeling somewhat better, "Thanks Maria" with Hill nodding, as Pepper sighs, the button to her blazer pops off and lands on the floor. "Oh gosh!" Pepper squeals as she quickly went to retrieve her button, as she bends down to quickly get her button...RIPPPP! Pepper lifts her head up with her jaw dropped and mellowing gasping if she was gasping for her air; her hands feel the back of her pants, her pants violently split open and her pink panties exposed in front of Hill, her pink panties with tiny Iron Men on them. Pepper stood at the spot as Hill presses her lips together, trying to not laugh at Pepper, only said to the embarrassed Pepper Potts, "At least your honoring his memory".
"They were the only pair that fit me" Pepper whimper, getting teary eye again. Thinking of changing her lunch plans to having a salad.
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Mon Jun 24, 2024 1:21 am
Note: I thought of Jessica Jones...set sometime after her show ended...

Years of drinking finally caught up to Jessica Jones, taking a toll on her slim figure as she has a small beer belly; already in her black t-shirt, Jessica wiggles her new pair of jeans up her hips, her old pair were getting wore out anyway, as she heaves her fastenings up to her hips with a small huff coming out of the detective, Jessica finds herself if out of breathe, "I just got these damn jeans" she says if annoyed, as she buttons them, Jessica can feel the pair snugging up around her small pudgy belly, feeling tighter on her, after a quick zip, Jessica lifts her shirt up and sees her belly sticking out. If she's in disbelief, "Why did I have to drink so much?" Jessica rubs her belly out of pity, she's a defender with a small beer belly. Having enough, she gets her boots on and slides on her black leather jacket as she's running late for a brunch date.
Arriving to an outdoor diner where she's meeting up with Claire Temple, while she helped Jessica one time with Cage, she remained close to Jessica if she needed anything; Claire waiting for Jessica, sees the superpower detective arrive if discomfort, especially as she notices Jessica wiggling her waistline and also pulling the underneath where her zipper's at. Claire wasn't going to say anything, since she can see that Jessica's jeans were a little tight. When Jessica arrives to the table, "Morning, sorry I'm late, had trouble getting dress" she says as Jessica moans as she sits down in her chair. Feeling the waistline snugging up around her pudgy belly, her facial discomfort makes it obvious. "My jeans are a little tight on me right now" Jessica says, while not showing it, but was embarrassed to admit it to Claire.
"It happens" Claire says.
"Yeah, so is Luke still living the gangster life?" Jessica wanting to move on from the conversation.
"Sadly yes, at least he's keeping the peace in Harlem, but still Missy is telling me she isn't really liking with how he's running the club".
"Don't give up on him, he'll find his way back..." Jessica adjusts her waistline again.
"I know..." Claire starting to notice, "Okay, I wasn't going to say anything, but girl you're clearly having trouble with your pants".
Jessica stares at the nurse, no point denying it, "I drank to the point where I'm getting chubby" Jessica pats her belly, as she lifts her shirt up as Claire sees a small bowl of ice cream sticking out the top of Jessica's pants, with her jaw dropped, "Whoa" was all Claire said, trying to hide her surprise of seeing Jessica putting on weight, especially how skinny she is, snickering a little, pissing Jessica off.
"I wouldn't want any missing teeth if I were you" Jessica says as she pulls her shirt down.
"Sorry" Claire gets herself together, "Well Jess, I think it's time to stop drinking, hell, I mean you aren't really a detective anymore".
"I know, but after putting Trish away and leaving Alias, I just hadn't find something to keep myself out of..." Jessica was interrupted as a civilian drops her groceries on the ground.
Jessica gets up from her chair as the old lady is gathering her groceries, "Need any help?" Jessica asks, as the old lady appreciates Jessica's assistance. "Okay" Jessica says as she gets down onto her knees, right as...RIPPPP! Jessica gives a small gasp as her face drops into total shock as she feels the back of her jeans a lot more looser than they were. Her hands placed on the back of her jeans, as Jessica feels the open oval shape tear, and feels her black panties with skin showing. Jessica gulps, quickly helping the old lady and helping her on her way as Jessica quickly backs away and covers the back of her jeans, as the detective's face turns blushing red.
Turning to Claire who's attempt to have a straight face starts to fail, Jessica annoyed, "Go to hell" as Claire starts laughing her ass off. Jessica huffs out a frustrated sigh as the button to her jeans pops off and cracks a passenger car door window with the alarm going off. Leaving Jessica stunned, "Seriously?" Jessica holds onto her fastenings while failing to cover the back of her jeans.
"I really wish I had a drink on me" Jessica says, clearly having a pretty bad day. And really want a goddamn drink.
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Sun Jul 14, 2024 4:15 pm
Jemma Simmons from Agents of SHIELD has a humiliating day, right at the end of season 2 and after Avengers: Age of Ultron

Jemma Simmons was an expert on many things; cellular biology, inhuman physiology, molecular chemistry; but not, as it turns out, laundry. Which became evident that morning as she got dressed and found her clothes shrunk to several sizes too small for her. If she were at the SHIELD base then this would have been only a temporary annoyance as she could take something else from her wardrobe to put on. However, she had been sent to the upstate Avengers campus to assist with a project and had sent the outfit she arrived in for cleaning (fortunately by professionals this time, she reflected wryly), and had nothing else to wear unless she wanted to turn up at the laboratory in her Minnie Mouse pyjamas. So she gathered her courage, sucked in her tummy, and squeezed into her pinstriped black pants and pale blue blouse.

Half an hour later, Simmons was in the laboratory, stirring together samples with test agents. She could have fed them into a machine which would have done it for her, but since her pants cuffs ended three inches above her shoes and showed off her pink striped socks, and worse had bust the zipper on the walk in, she had decided it was better she stand where the table would keep her lower half covered.
She was examining the results of her tests when Maria Hill, former deputy director of SHIELD and now coordinator of the Avengers support team, entered the room. The dark-haired young woman was wearing a dark blue dress which hung at knee length, and she looked flustered as she walked in. Maria looked around at the other scientists in the room, who were stood around at a dozen different desks in the large lab, as she made her way to Simmons.
"Agent Simmons."
"Deputy Director Hill," Simmons greeted her, trying to keep the rising blush away from her face. "I'm almost done running these tests, then I can get onto the Chitauri samples that came in."
"Good, good..." Maria sighed, "Look, Agent Romanoff is on her way down."
"The Black Widow?" Simmons smiled like a fangirl, "That'll be great, what does she need from me?"
"Oh, just some advice on something," Maria replied, "But listen- she's not taking the loss of Dr Banner very well, she's been, you know, stress-eating a bit. So just be gentle with her."
"I can be gentle, no problem."
"Good. Well, let me know how it goes."
The former SHIELD deputy turned and left, leaving Simmons to continue with her work. She had barely got started again when the door opened once more, and a rhythmic squeaking sound approached. Simmons looked up to see the Russian super spy Black Widow come into the lab and approach her.
The Avenger was still a beautiful woman, if anything the few extra pounds she carried added to her features, but unfortunately it also added to her waistline, and the black leather catsuit she wore was stretched almost impossibly tight, to the point it was pulling in various unfortunate directions, and clinging tightly to her thighs which caused the squeaking noise as she walked.
"A... Agent Romanoff." Simmons greeted her, almost feeling better about her own clothing as she saw how Black Widow was dressed.
"Simmons." Widow said, "How's it going?"
"Oh, it's, you know, going."
"Good. Look, I need you to help with something."
"Sure." Simmons nodded, "Anything for you, you're an Avenger, a legend."
"Okay, come with me."
Black Widow turned and squeaked out of the room. Simmons hurried after her, not thinking until she reached the hallway about her busted zip, by which point she had to just hope no one noticed, as there was no way to cover the gap without making it more obvious, and she had neglected to even bring a pad of paper with her.
Widow walked down a corridor to a large exercise area, where a multitude of former SHIELD personnel were sparring and practicing with weapons. Simmons felt very exposed and very uncertain.
"So, the thing is..." Widow stopped and turned, her eyes dropped and widened slightly as she noticed the burst front of Simmons' trousers. A smile began to tug at the corners of her mouth, and Simmons' face reddened. "The thing is, I want you to help me build a tracking device."
"And what are we tracking?" Now that they were standing still, Simmons was able to try and demurely hold her hand in front of her crotch, wishing she had not just flashed her knickers at one of her heroes.
"Gamma radiation." Widow replied.
"Oh, like, uh... like... why?" Simmons asked.
Widow sighed, but the letting out of breath proved too much for her outfit to take- the buckle of her belt snapped in two and broke off, and the zip which ran up the front of the catsuit parted it's teeth over her belly, exposing several inches of pale skin and her belly button.
"Oh dear!" Simmons gasped.
"Nyet!" Widow exclaimed, followed by a couple of words of hasty Russian. Her face started to turn the same shade of red as her hair.
"It's okay, I'll get it!" Simmons said she turned and bent to retrieve the snapped buckle, she was halfway down when it occurred to her that this was a bad idea, and just as her brain was working on whether she should stop and straighten up again, she knew it was too late as she heard a ripping noise and felt the back seam of her trousers part over her plump rear. This was swiftly followed by the sound of laughter from the other agents in the room, at the sight of Simmons' ripped pants and her underwear, which at first looked like a pattern of coloured squares, but on closer inspection turned out to be an image of the periodic table.
"No..." Simmons gulped, "I've split my trousers!"
"Yes, you have." Widow laughed. Around the two women, people were beginning to pay more attention. Simmons straightened up, face red and hot, and tried to pull the sides of the rip back together, to no avail.
"I need to go and find something to wear..." Simmons gasped.
"Maybe we can find you something." Widow smiled.
"Oh, I hope so."
"Come with me, then."
"Wait..." Widow turned and started walking and Simmons reluctantly followed her, "Where are we going?"
"Supplies." Widow replied.
"I was rather hoping..." Simmons grabbed at the ripped seat of her trousers, trying to hold it together, but it kept slipping out of her grasp and gaping open again, "...that you might bring some trousers to me."
The humiliated scientist followed Widow as she went through a door and into a corridor. Pepper Potts, CEO of Stark Enterprises, came hurrying up.
"Natasha, er..." Pepper paused a moment, looking at Simmons, "Simpson, right?"
"Simmons." Simmons replied.
"Yes, that's... what's wrong with your pants?"
"They... ripped."
"Yeah, they really did." Pepper looked Simmons up and down, her freckled face broke into a grin at the sight of Simmons' chemistry-themed underwear.
"I just want to go and change." Simmons whimpered. "So if I could go back..."
"No, no time, the press are waiting."
"You've been working on identifying those alien samples, right, making sure they aren't dangerous?"
"Um, yes..." Simmons was startled by the sound of a trio of agents walking past behind her, who broke out in laughter when they saw her ripped trousers. She was so distracted that she missed what Pepper said next and had to ask her to repeat it.
"Just come and talk to the press," Pepper said, "and reassure them that there's nothing dangerous."
"Like this? I can't!"
"Of course you can, just come and say science-y things."
"But... my trousers!"
"You'll be fine." Pepper gently but firmly steered Simmons into a door, where she was dazzled by flashing cameras and a clamour of voices, and realised the room was crammed with reporters.
"Oh, uh... oh, my!" Simmons blinked in shock and stumbled in the doorway as Pepper gave her a slightly firmer push to her soft buttocks. Simmons' day suddenly got much worse as she did, as the fastenings of her trousers burst open and the trousers dropped to the floor, exposing her knickers fully, the periodic table stretched taut across her buttocks, and the front displaying the legend 'Science- like magic, but real'. Simmons squealed in embarrassment, her hands flew to cover her burning face and her blouse also gave up, buttons going flying in all directions and revealing a thin skin tone bra.
"Oh no..." Simmons groaned, stood in her underwear, as the camera flashes doubled and reporters shouted an assortment of questions at her. "I... I was... I came to say..."
Simmons awkwardly shuffled to the front of the group of reporters, face burning with embarrassment, stripped to her geeky underwear and reliving one of her worst nightmarish fantasies. She glanced back at Pepper, who smiled, gave her a thumbs up, and gestured for her to talk.
"Oh... okay..." Simmons sighed, "My name is J... Jemma Simmons. And I have tested the... the samples, and..." she struggled to talk, standing there in her stripped state. She pulled at her blouse, but for some reason could not close it over her breasts, "Just know, that there is nothing to worry about. That's all." A sea of hands shot up, Simmons paused just for a moment, "I won't be taking questions. I've got to go."
She turned to the door, the sudden movement over-exerting her underwear and causing the knickers to rip up the seat, the colourful squares parting to reveal her pale pink backside. Simmons gasped,
"Oh crikey... I've split the atoms!"

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Mon Jul 15, 2024 1:49 am
If you do any SHIELD crossovers with any the Avengers, how about Bobbi Morse or Agent May?
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Sun Oct 06, 2024 2:22 pm
Note: I thought of a SHIELD story with May...set during season two...

Melinda May had been on an assignment for about a week, where she's been posing as a food critic while investigating a restaurant business owner who may have ties with HYDRA; May's been going over there everyday while posing as a food critic, she's been eating her food, she had to give it to the owner, they have good food. As she makes her way towards the entrance, May in her dark blue navy suit and white dotted blouse, adjust the belt around her pants as May's facial expression shows the discomfort of doing so. The food she's been eating had made May's physique get soft in the middle, something that May's keeping a metal note, she didn't want to be the SHIELD agent with an obvious belly.
Once entering, the owner Cassandra welcomes May, "Well hello Ms. Lee" addressing May's cover name, "Welcome back, I hope you were able to disgust our last meal" she walks up to May.
May puts soft expression on her face and says, "I sure did, and it was satisfying" as May gently pats her belly, feeling how soft it's gotten.
Walking to her table, May can tell that there's something off with some of the servers, but before she could investigate any further, Cassandra sits her down at her table, "So we have made a dish for you that I think you're going to like" Cassandra says, "I'll have to warn you, it'll be a bit hefty, but filling to enjoy".
May going along with it, even if she isn't sure if she likes the sound of that, "Surprise me, I can handle any meal you throw at me".
Cassandra has the dish come out where it's a 20 oz steak, fries, and broccoli, "I recall you never ate steak, so I thought today you should" she says to May.
May looks uncomfortable about the idea, about if she should eat it despite of the assignment, or due to her getting soft. At the moment, she decided, "I can't wait".
Moments later, May leans against her chair, pushes her plate away, sighing as she felt stuffed and full, as that steak was filling. Tasty overall, but filling. Cassandra walking by with a pleased look on her face, "Goodness, I can see I have a satisfied food critic" she pokes at May's stuffed belly, rock solid.
"I know, it was so satisfying, that I don't think I can eat for the rest of the day" May says as she pats her tainted belly. May looks down at her belly, her hands on it as she can see it's sticking out further than it should, she's just full, but May felt concerned about it. "I'm going to go use the restroom" May says, trying to stand up, groaning due to how much she ate.
On her feet, she has problem with her balance, but manages to stay on her feet, while wiggling her belt as she starts walking with her black boots clicking onto the floor, with Cassandra smirking in the back.
In the bathroom, May definitely sees that she has put on a belly, and May definitely doesn't like having a belly. Standing off to the side of the mirror, she tries to inhale, barely able to suck in her gut, as her hands try to press it in, she exhales with her small belly plopping out. "Melinda, after you get what you need, I'll work on myself for sure" May says to herself. She sighs to herself as she hears phone go off in her left pocket, she pulls it only to let it slip out of her hand and fell on the floor. May sighs a little with annoyance, as she jumps down to her knees to retrieve her phone...RIPPPP! May lifts her head up with a gasp and with her eyes lit up as if she were prettified, she heard a really loud tearing sound, loud enough that it echoed the bathroom, and she knew what that noise came from. She stood back up on her feet, May turns her back to the mirror, turns her head slightly to look down, her hands feeling the back of her dark navy suit, where May feels the large oval shape tear in the back of her pants, May gasps again in horror as she can see her red panties with white snowflakes exposed in the open.
She turns to face the empty wall in front of her, "Oh...no" May whispers to herself, with her face completely blank. Melinda May, agent of SHIELD, had just ripped her pants open on an assignment. She didn't like splitting her pants open on an assignment.
Unknowingly, a camera spying on her, with Cassandra watching, smirks as if she enjoys seeing May having a wardrobe malfunction at her restaurant, "I successfully made the best SHIELD agent on the team to put on weight and face the dire consequences" she says with a sinister look, "Hail HYDRA".
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